Time for another update

Matt commented my post “So it’s end of the June soon” saying “Time for another update Wille ? :D” It definitely is. :-)

First of all, I have to state the facts. I’m sad to announce something I think you knew already: From Ashes is in frozen state and is likely to hibernate until further notice. We hang around together sometimes, but haven’t rehearsed for half an year and are not planning to start playing again. This is mostly because I haven’t written a single song for three years. Well, I’ve written something, but nothing I’m satisfied with.

The good news are: We eventually have a schedule for the long-awaited EP. :-) I just talked with Arttu and Otto and decided that the drums will be recorded on the first or the second week of January ’09. So the release of the EP is likely to be on March ’09, if all goes as planned. If you’re desperate about the songs, drop me some email and I’ll see what I can do. ;-)

I’m planning to start Christmas sale and reduce the price of As the leaves fall -album to 5EUR/6.30USD. Just in case you don’t know what to buy to your grandma… Again, if you want to buy it now, before I go through the paypal system to configure the price, just contact me by mail.

And well… if this is my last post before Christmas, I wish you quiet and sacred season!


~ by willeh on November 23, 2008.

3 Responses to “Time for another update”

  1. Hope all of you are doing well
    hope to hear the music soon
    God bless

  2. Check the front page. I’ll add more info soon.

  3. Hey,
    How the work’s going with long-awaited EP? I’m long-awaiting.
    Have a good Christmass time!

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